Monday, September 13, 2010

Re-arrange my #PLE - #PLENK2010

Re-arrange my #PLE - #PLENK2010: "To try to follow the course in an adequate way I’ve made some changes/adjustments to my PLE. Probably some of this could be usefull and help to organize someone PLE."

Paulo Simões, a fellow #PLENK2010 learner, posted about how he set up his feeds and blogs in order to efficiently participate in the course.

He and I have:

created a folder to receive emails from the course
created a search column in TweetDeck (he uses Hootsuite) for PLENK
bookmarked a Google Search for PLENK2010 (I suppose I'll need to check this manually)
designated a blog for posting material for the public. His is a special blog for that purpose, but I'm going to use my old personal blog (THIS BLOG, Newmania!)

I feel prepared and ready to go... let the learnings begin!