Wednesday, August 03, 2005

|||||| -> The Ghettotenna

|||||| -> The Ghettotenna: "Last week my little brother had a bit of a delimma, one that he knew could only be solved by yours truly.

Thinking the signal strength may be the cause for this sketchy behavior, I set out to boost his reception to see if it would solve the problem.

Luckily, he was using one those USB wifi fobs on a cord for his wifi adaptor. Being the genius I am, and having read quite a bit about people boosting wifi signals with chinese wok utensils and Pringles cans, I knew I could whip up a ghetto solution in no time flat. Here is where we enter the meat of this post and the explanation of that weird ass piece of crap up there. "

This guy whips up an wifi signal booster aperatus to help his brother and posts it to help his fellow man. In the process, he teaches us the definition of engineering.

***"Engineering is the application of science to the needs of humanity."***

Ghetto engineers of the world, UNITE!

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