Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Models: Emporium

The local Community College is working with an innovative approach to solve the problem of flagging Math proficiency - The Emporium Model from the National Center for Academic Transformation. It seems to be a 'Flipping the Classroom' type model.  It reminds me of Khan Academy which I didn't really get until I saw this TED Talk:
Models: Emporium: The Emporium Model

  • Eliminates all lectures and replaces them with a learning resource center model featuring interactive software and on-demand personalized assistance.
  • Depends heavily on instructional software, including interactive tutorials, practice exercises, solutions to frequently asked questions, and online quizzes and tests.
  • Allows students to choose what types of learning materials to use depending on their needs, and how quickly to work through the materials.
  • Uses a staffing model that combines faculty, GTAs, peer tutors and others who respond directly to students’ specific needs and direct them to resources from which they can learn.
  • May require a significant commitment of space and equipment.
  • More than one course can be taught in an emporium, thus leveraging the initial investment.

TED Talk on Khan Academy

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