Friday, June 24, 2005

The Command T.O.C.: Classic Misdirection By The Right Wing

The Command T.O.C.: Classic Misdirection By The Right Wing: "For example, rather than acknowledging that the US has engaged in a horrible display of torture and mistreatment of prisoners (Gitmo, Iraq and Afghanistan prisons), they misdirected the national discussion to whether Newsweek was accurate or not when they said a Koran was flushed down the toilet. Somehow, the public became more interested in the fact that it was untrue we flushed it down the toilet. Of course, the reality was we urinated on it but the fact that it was not flushed seemed to satisfy the right wing that the reporting was wrong."

I like this guy, CPT Kevin, more each day. He is illustrating a point. Arguments seem to head directly to the details and is hardly ever about the "real issue". There has to be a logical falacey - Misdirection or red herring or something.

He is saying that whether the holy book was pissed on or flushed became the most important part of the coverage in the MSM (Main Stream Media - I learned that term on some RightWing blogs). Is it the most important part of the story to us - voters and taxpayers? I wonder WHERE it was pissed on - in the toilet? on the floor? Does that bring anything new or helpful to the discussion of terror and how to stop it?

Not Really when we are discussing the FACT that the US is running a lawless detention center (torture chamber? Coercion chamber?) Maybe we need a detention center? Maybe we don't? Instead of debate, we get smoke and mirrors, lies and deception... all because no one wants to lose.

What I don't understand and what gives me the most concern, is that, the leaders of this country (Govt, Media, Big Biz) would rather let us squabble over the details. And lie to us about reasons. Trick us into doing things. Instead of telling the truth.

I get the feeling that if we knew the truth (YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!), we wouldn't support those leaders. I think, if we knew the truth, we would make better decisions and elect better leaders. The leaders don't want to lose - lose an election, viewers, profits. So they lie, cheat, steal - Whatever it takes... And we all end up losing in the end.

again thanks to CPT Kevin for a clear vision and voice.

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