Thursday, June 16, 2005

White House rejects call for Iraq pullout - Yahoo! News

White House rejects call for Iraq pullout - Yahoo! News: "'This message would say to the terrorists: 'All you have to do is wait until that day when our troops leave and then you can start carrying out those attacks and just hold out.'' he said."

Do you think there will be more attacks when US troops leave? I think the US occupation is the reason for the attacks. Once the troops leave the streets, violence will decrease and DEMOCRACY can grow.

I think the problem is that - the real problem - is that the US is afraid of Democracy. There are afraid if the Iraqi people actually had a say they would elect someone who doesn't like the US - And who would blame them after what happened and is happening. The US is afraid of democracy in South America. And the US is afraid of democracy in our "homeland".

Doesn't anyone remember that we had to fight a revolution against an empire to become the United States.

Am I being stupid here? Naive? unamerican?

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