Sunday, November 20, 2005

A redhead girl, the moon, and beer

A redhead girl, the moon, and beer - Have you ever wondered about the girl in the Miller High Life logo? I have. She is better than I dreamed. Be sure to watch the TV ads.

I'm in Cleveland, Ohio. The place where football, working people, beer and red meat go when they die. It's the Valhalle of all things American. Yesterday, I had a BBQ hamburger with Fred Flintstone (Of course, Wilma, Barney, Betty, BamBam and Pebbles were there too.) We watched college football and drank beer. During half time, a front yard, two hand touch football game between the kids and the adults broke loose. The kids won. Everyone was home by 6:30 for dinner and bedtime. I love you, America! ... i love you, america

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